OverviewRay Tracing

Chapter Overview

These pages are mostly about the fundamentals of ray tracing and related topics. I'll explore the math, algorithms, data structures, and collect my learning progress in chronological order, starting with the first 'Hello World' image.

Like everything on this site, this is still a work in progress as well. Ultimately I'd like this area to be a learning resource with interactive demos that invites users to play with parameters and functions.

There's always a chance I have misunderstood something, made a mistake, or haven't followed best practices or proper style, or simply didn't know better at the time. To keep the chronology intact, I won't update an earlier page but fix, revise and improve in follow-up posts. I'll be sure to link from the early to the revised post(s).

As always, I'm here to learn and appreciate all feedback. If you spot anything that's wrong or could use some work, please let me know.