Ray Tracing 010Metal
- Added a generic material class.
- Added two child classes for diffuse (Lambertian) and reflective/metallic materials.
Here's a quick overview of the changes made to support reflective and metallic materials:
- added material class and mat_ptr
- added material.h
- added random.h
- replaced drand48() with random_double()
- moved random_in_unit_sphere() to material.h
- added depth parameter to color() function
- in color(), updated to use new material with depth of 50 calls, moved previous target for diffuse materials to its dedicated class
- replaced MAXFLOAT with INFINITY
- in main(), added depth parameter to color(), added material to spheres, added two spheres to list
- added material pointer
- new file with base material class and two child classes for diffuse and reflective materials
Here's also my Javascript rendering: