2001 and Triadic BalletMisc Projects 2021-22

Misc 2021-22

These were miscellaneous projects I worked on between or before courses in 2021-2022.

One revolved around an idea I had for Oskar Schlemmer's Triadic Ballet (or Bauhaus Ballet) that premiered September 30, 1922. I thought it would be neat if I could recreate it on the occasion of its 100th anniversary.

The figures and movements are simple enough I thought, but it turned out a bit too ambitious considering I didn't know anything about Blender at the time. But it's a project I want to revisit again in the near future.

The other scene was inspired by 2001 - A Space Odyssey and based on a tutorial I found on YouTube.

2001 Scene rendered in Cycles - compositor
2001 Scene rendered in Cycles - emissions 10
2001 Scene rendered in Cycles
2001 Scene rendered in Eevee
2001 Scene with Monolith
Triadic Ballet - Figure 1
Triadic Ballet - Figure 1 Rigged
Triadic Ballet - Figure 2
Triadic Ballet - Figure 3
Triadic Ballet - Figure 4
Triadic Ballet - Figure 5
Triadic Ballet - Figure 6